Grievance Procedure

Casal Aveda Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs.

If a student or staff member feels discriminated in any way, they should immediately report such discrimination to their educator or the Director of the Institute. If possible they should ask to speak to the educator or Director privately if possible. If they are not comfortable speaking to their educator or the Director they can email the Institute at: Any emails sent to the Institute will be forwarded to the Director for resolution. The Director will immediately call a meeting with the 2 main Lead Educators to discuss the grievance. The Director will then proceed with the interviews of the people involved.

Resolution of the discrimination will be resolved with an interview of the student or staff member who feels they are being discriminated against. Following this interview, the Director will interview the student(s) or staff member(s) who were reported to be acting in a discriminating manner. In both interviews the Director and at least one other Lead Educator will be present. The Director will assemble all the facts and bring together both Lead Educators again to discuss the interviews. At this point the team may bring all the parties together to try to come to an acceptable agreement.  If the Director and the Leads feel the Institute needs to make academic adjustments or utilize auxiliary aids for the student with a disability, she will direct the student to begin accommodation procedures.

In the event a student or staff member is not comfortable speaking directly to the Institute, they may email the Executive Director of the Institute at:  The Executive Director or another member of the Executive Team will respond to the email and request to set-up a phone conversation. After the phone conversation the Executive Team will discuss the plan of action and notify the Director at the Institute. The Executive Team will follow-up, on any action plans put in place, during the quarterly visits to the Institute. If necessary, they will bring all the parties together, with the Director, while at the Institute to gain complete understanding and resolution of the situation.

If the discrimination continues after an agreement or adjustment has been made, the Director will interview the offending student(s) or staff member(s) again and document this conversation in their file. During all interviews at least one other Lead Educator will be present.  It will be determined whether the agreement has been breached or the adjustment needs modification.  If it is determined the agreement has been breached, the Director and Leads will then counsel the offending student(s) or staff members(s) that if the discriminating behavior does not stop immediately they will be terminated from the Institute. The documents will be signed by both the Director and the offending student(s) or staff member(s) and filed. If the academic adjustment needs modification, a new academic adjustment will be agreed upon and put in place immediately.

In the event the same offending student(s) or staff member(s) are involved in another occurrence of discrimination, they will be terminated immediately.

All conversations will be documented in a written outline and forwarded to the Executive Director for review.

Outline of Grievance Procedures:

  1. Student or staff member will express any grievances directly to their educator or the Director.
    a. If student is not comfortable speaking to educator or Director they can email the Institute at
    b. If they are not comfortable speaking to anyone at the Institute, they can email the Executive Director at

  2. If the Executive Director receives the email, the Executive Team will handle the grievance until resolution.

  3. The Director and both Lead Educators will meet to decide plan of action.
    a. The Director and at least 1 Lead Educator will have interview with all partied involved.
    b. If academic adjustment is needed, they will assist student in accommodation process and follow-up until completion.

  4. If there are any grievances after an agreement and/or adjustments are made, the Director and at least 1 Lead Educator will interview all parties involved.
    a. They will decide if the agreement has been breached or if the academic adjustment is not effective and needs modification.

  5. If agreement has been breached, all responsible parties will be counseled that if behavior continues, they will be terminated.

  6. If the academic adjustment needs modification, they will decide on a course of action and put it in place immediately

  7. If a student or staff member is involved in any further grievance after they have been counseled about the same grievance, they will be terminated immediately.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Casal Aveda Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.

Casal Aveda Institute is committed to serving persons with documented disabilities. A goal of Casal Aveda Institute is that each qualified student who meets eligibility requirements for enrollment will be given the opportunity to complete their chosen program. To reach that goal, Casal Aveda Institute will make academic adjustments and utilize auxiliary aids where possible to assist such students.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Director of the Institute

Theresa Rankin
Casal Aveda Institute
5555 Youngstown Warren Road - Unit 606
Niles, Ohio 44446
(330) 792-6504